Bradford L. McCall

Bradford L. McCall is a PhD student at Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, CA. He is the author of A Modern Relation of Theology & Science (Wipf and Stock, 2018) and many peer-reviewed journal articles” and replace the images of food with client’s book cover.

Dr Bradford L. McCall

I am a theist, a Christian, and a practicing Catholic. My faith is deeply informed by both evolution and philosophy. Although science and philosophy are influences, they do not replace my deep Christian faith and experience. So then, “process” is a component of my understanding of God “in an evolutionary world.” But it is not a metaphysical dogma, for it is not my goal to be a Whiteheadian (or a Peircean for that matter). These thinkers assist me; they do not provide a fundamental orientation for me. I am closer to process than to (say) Thomism, but this does not make me a Whiteheadian, as per se. I think that is where I differ from David Ray Griffin, Thomas Jay Oord, Roland Faber, and perhaps even Philip Clayton. I have been fortunate in that I have one B.S. in Biology, four Master degrees in Religion and Philosophy, and one PhD in Process Philosophy. My possibly penultimate training was received from Claremont School of Theology in May of 2022 (PhD). I have five books to my credit, four as author, and one as editor, all published with Wipf & Stock or one of their imprints. I have another 5 books under contract with the same company as well. Very fortunate indeed.